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Image analysis

New image analysis tool integrated! To improve image analysis in SGATools we integrated gitter image analysis tool.
For more information and to download standalone version of gitter, visit http://gitter.ccbr.utoronto.ca.
Quick help tip! clicking labels with dotted underlines will provide you with additional help
File naming tip! If you want to score your data after image analysis and normalization, the file names need to follow a pattern. For example, for the control plate of query YER103W crossed into plate 12 of the array should be named like username_ctrl_YER103W_12_...jpg, and double mutant file as username_dm_YER103W_12_...jpg. The parsed plate type, query name, and plate number are updated in a table below.
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Data input


colonies compared to plate background
  Receive notification once your job is complete. Recommended for more than 5 images.

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Processing images .

Expected time: 10-15 seconds per image